We have selected the best properties to ensure you have a wonderful stay!
great summer home in paradise on the island of VERA CRUZ, Bahia, on the beach of Barra do Pot, great for family and friends, enjoying one of the greatest ecological paradise of Brazil, with a diverse ecosystem, within the second biggest Bay of the planete. Are bedrooms 03 04 and 01 single beds in red brick kiosk having barbecue, bar all in red brick, 9 MTS. pool deck w/shower, close to the beach just 300 MTS. the beach of Barra do Pot. Details: chairs chaise longue for sunbathing, 03 sets of tables with chairs, off-street parking for cars, all walled 03 and safe. Comments: Check-in time from the 09:00 hs. Check aut until the 17:00 hs., always the traveler telling the time. Bath linen and Bed-Not mobile Internet no Bond collection no Animals domestic dog
Member since janeiro 2016
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House 4 bedrooms - 500 m² - sleeps 10 guests
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There is no
Quiet street, where your most are vacationers, close to supermarkets, gas station, restaurants, ice cream shop, pharmacies etc. 15 minutes far from the nautical terminal in Mar Grande, where, if you take the speedboats to Salvador, path that made in 45 minutes, trying to catch the ferry boat, 20 minutes are for the Good of Pachos terminal on it crosses the cars. Wanting to explore the island, we have the traditional source of Bica, on the island of Itaparica. There are more than 20 beaches in the island to be visited.